Join Us
We currently have a membership of some 45 adult singers drawn from all walks of life and from a wide geographical area, well beyond the town of Louth.
We meet weekly from September through to July to rehearse for our customary programme of three major concerts. Our aims are simple - to perform to the highest possible standards, choral music that is challenging, interesting and entertaining. We also aim to make our rehearsals fun and enjoyable.
Membership of the choir is open to all singers over the age of 16. Members pay an annual subscription (save for students where the subscription is waived) and are required to pass a simple (and unintimidating!) audition solely to ensure members are allocated to the appropriate voice section.
Rehearsals are held in the excellent Salvation Army Community Centre in Church Street, Louth, and concerts are regularly given in Louth's magnificent St James's Parish Church.
If you enjoy singing (even if only in the shower!) and would like to come along and see what we do, we would love to see you. We are a friendly society and keen to welcome new members in all voices. The first step is to contact our Membership Secretary who will be pleased to give you further information.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsors are vitally important to the financial security of the choir. If you would like more details of the benefits of our sponsorship scheme, please contact the Sponsorship Secretary, Clare Fry, below.
Become a Patron
Patrons provide much appreciated support to the Choral Society by making an annual donation which helps to secure a guaranteed income towards concert expenses. In return, Patrons receive pre-booked seats and priority bookings for each of the choir's concerts during the year. If you would like to help the Choral Society in this way please contact the Patron's Secretary, Bridget Pannell, below.